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Important Organisations


The Exterian Bank Alliance

TEBA is one of the most influential companies in all of Exteria, they handle all the things related to the bank and item storage for users. They originate from Medopolis and in the span of a few years they spread to all of Exteria. However, their long history comes with controversies too, such as the Great Barrier perforation that happened when Albenite Shards were still the main currency. TEBA is very concerned about the privacy of their headquarters location and their workers. Their former H.Q. in Medopolis is known publicly but it is a building not used for work anymore. Their current location is unknown and they force mapmakers to obfuscate its position. TEBA workers must also not disclose that they work at the company, this is mainly due to them having the exclusive magic ability of imprinting official magic codes into Wishes, the paper tag used now as a currency! Official Wishes are identifiable by their unique magic infused by TEBA employees, so if anyone were to know about this magic ability outside of the company, it'd be an issue. 


Exterian Institute of Statistics and Analysis

The EISA is an organisation that has the objective of registering various types of statistics across all of Exteria, like the population estimates shown in each territory's page! It's technically not a single organisation, but more so a conglomerate of multiple organisations across each Exterian territory. It originated in Fourfield as the Clovertin Statistics Institute but later expanded, including organisations from other territories.


Cartographer's Trove

Cartographer's Trove is a group that handles most of the maps that get distributed, such as the ones in the official territory pages on the group's page! It is mostly influential in the Light Hemisphere but has big competition in the Dark Hemisphere. The group was founded 200 years ago by a Clovertinian named Cristopher Papier, the young fellow shown on the group's logo. Curious about the ins and outs of the Exterian world, he set out on a long journey to map out every corner of the world. He is still the head of the organisation, however he's slowly reaching his elderly years.


Exterian Scientific Community

The ESC is an organisation made up of several scientific institutes across Exteria, labs of all sizes and other independent researchers with the purpose of sharing research papers and various discoveries made with likeminded people. Born in Semidar it soon expanded across the globe to the most influential academies. The ESC is also affiliated with several other organisations, both big and small, such as the EISA. 

note: the logos are canonically written in runic script since that's the official Exterian script, but are adapted in latin characters for convenience...