Visual Trait IndexManehoods are magical mammals who live in Exteria among many other species. They can have both a feral and an anthropomorphic stance, so you're free to choose whichever you like for your design. This encyclopedia page will mainly cover Manehoods DESIGN-WISE, so for a lore-related description, head to this page! (in general, if you'd like to see lore-related pages, click the WORLD dropdown at the top!)

Fluffs are like whiskers for Manehoods, they use them to percieve their surroundings. For a Manehood to be considered legal, they're required to have them and for them to be clearly distinct from the rest of the fur around their face. Generally, any shaped that is biforked is allowed. They can have any length without being traited.

Each Manehood has its own theme, which changes the appearance of the hood and Magic Mark. You're not required to make the body fit the theme, only those two elements need to abide by it.
By default, a Manehood has only a single theme (multiple would require the "Multiple Themes" special trait). You're allowed to add adjectives to your themes without requiring a trait (for example, if you wanted to represent a cat but also add starry patterns to your hood and Magic Mark, you could have a "starry cat" theme). With "Multiple Themes", you're allowed to have a maximum of 2 themes, that don't necessarily have to be related to eachother. Themes aren't unique for each Manehood, so there can be multiple Manehoods with the same theme, however make sure to not make your design too similar to pre-existing ones.
It is generally advised to not make a theme overly generic, for example just "cat" or "dog" isn't very specific and may not be accepted by itself, it's best to specify patterns, breed, colors, etc (for example, "calico cat", "golden retriever dog", "scottish fold cat"). Mixed breeds are allowed without needing "Multiple Themes", like "labrador+poodle dog", however if that mix of breeds has a specific name, it's preferred to use that instead (so in this case "labradoodle" is preferred). Generic themes are usually allowed when used alongside another theme.
Generally only 1 or 2 adjectives are allowed per theme, since otherwise that could fall into "Multiple Themes" (for example, "red dotted persian cat" may not be accepted and may be asked to be turned into "red dots + persian cat" and use "Multiple Themes").
Abstract themes (usually ones that are emotions, concepts) aren't accepted, unless used alongside another theme (for example, just "love" wouldn't be allowed, but "love + tabby cat" would). Sometimes they may be accepted by themselves if used with adjectives (for example, just "stripes" wouldn't be allowed, but "rainbow stripes" would).
The theme cannot use any copyrighted elements. Your Manehood can be inspired off of one, but they cannot use the key elements of the copyrighted thing it is inspired off of. For example, your Manehood cannot have a "Coca Cola" theme and have a hood with the same logo, however a "soda" theme with a unique logo would be allowed.

Accessories are allowed on a Manehood. They're allowed on the body as long as they don't resemble too closely special traits (for example, having flower-shaped stickers on the body is allowed, but would need to be clearly stickers otherwise it could come off as a bypass of the "Living Body" special trait). Your Manehood is allowed to wear outfits too, but not on the Masterlist entry, especially if the outfit covers key parts of the Manehood's body and patterns (for example, pants would not be allowed because they can cover the Magic Mark, if it's placed on the thigh). Accessories are allowed to be added to the head area. Generally, all neck accessories are allowed, small accessories on the hood and head are also allowed, but large accessories may not, especially on the hood, as it may make the theme unclear (for example, a Manehood wearing a large tophat may make it seem like its theme would be "tophats", it would only be allowed if the theme is/includes tophats, but in other cases it'd be rejected).

The hood is one of the key parts of this species. The hood must be always present and be based off of the Manehood's theme. The hood can bypass several special traits applied to it depending on the Manehood's theme (for example, a Manehood with a "sunflower" theme can have living sunflowers on the hood without requiring the "Living Hood" special trait, or a Manehood with the "lamp" theme can glow without needing the "Bioluminescence" special trait) (this applies to themes with adjectives too, a "golden cat" theme can have a hood made of gold without needing "Material Properties"). The hood can have several extensions for free as listed below.
NOTE: Since hood extensions are, well, extensions of the hood, they MUST follow the theme!!!

The Magic Mark is another key expression of the Manehood's theme. It represents via a 2d design the Manehood's theme. Without special traits, the Magic Mark is placed around the Manehood's thigh area (a Magic Mark placed anywhere else would count as the "Misplaced Magic Mark" special trait). The Magic Mark can appear either once on only one leg, or twice on both legs (if a Manehood has the "Misplaced Magic Mark" trait, the Magic Mark can only appear once or twice on the body). The Magic Mark cannot be overly large or overly small (for a disproportionate Magic Mark see the "Disproportionate Body Parts" special trait). The Magic Mark usually needs to clearly represent the theme, however a more loosely connected concept may also be allowed at times (for example, if you have a "tabby cat" theme Manehood, it's usually preferred for your Magic Mark to also represent a tabby cat, however other connected concepts may also be allowed, such as a cat paw clearly showing tabby markings, a cat toy and a tabby cat, etc). In case of "Multiple Themes", the Magic Mark can either be a single drawing with both themes shown, or two separate Magic Marks with a drawing for each theme (for example, a "tabby cat + lamp" theme can either have a Magic Mark showing a tabby cat fused with a lamp, or one Magic Mark showing the tabby cat, and one showing a lamp. By default, without "Misplaced Magic Mark", one is placed on the left thigh and the other on the right thigh).

The Manehood's tail, by default, is a long and slim tail with a fluffy curled tip. The curl is always present in magic bearing Manehoods, no matter what special trait is added, since it represents the Manehood's Magic Core. However, the tail tip can be removed and replaced with a prosthetic with magicless Manehoods (see the disabilities guide below). Without special traits, the minimum length is the fluffy tip + at least a little bit of the mid-tail part, while the maximum tail length is the full body's length (with "Disproportionate Body Parts" this limit can be bypassed. If the trait is applied to the body but not to the tail, the tail's maximum/minimum length is changed relatively to the body's length, so you may not need to re-apply the trait to the tail). The tail can be fluffy, but not excessively. The tail always fits the default description unless paired with "Odd-Shaped Tail". Tails with special properties, such as resembling an object, resembling a limb or having living properties may require other special traits. By default, there is only one tail, having multiple is traited as "Multiple Tails".

Manehoods, being magical creatures, can cast various types of magic spells. Most Manehoods have at least one magic ability (without special traits, a Manehood always has only one, having more than one requires "Multiple Magic"), however, magicless Manehoods can happen if their Magic Core is damaged or missing (see the disabilities guide below for more info).
Magic is divided in Abilities and Manifestations.
Manifestations are magical appearances that express on the character's design, and it can range from sparkles, to halos and magic familiars. Manifestations must be shown on the Masterlist Image. Things appearing as Manifestations must be clearly shown to be magical and not physical objects (for example, a magic familiar can look like a regular animal but it must have some characteristics clearly showing they're non-physical, such as a semi-transparent ghostly look). Being non-physical and more akin to an illusion, Manifestations cannot be touched or ridden unless tied to an ability (needs "Multiple Magic") (for example, a cloud manifestation by itself cannot be touched, but if paired with a "cloud transport" ability, they become physical and can be touched and ridden on). Manifestations can still emit light, warmth and cold, but never in an excessive amount (for example, a fire manifestation can emit light and be warm, but not warm enough to actually burn someone). Manifestations can be turned on and off at will so in personal art you're allowed to not draw it.
Abilities represent magic spells. They don't appear on the Masterlist drawing, but are described in the Manehood's Masterlist entry. There's a lot of freedom one can have while choosing an ability, however it must never be overly powerful (for example, bringing people back from the dead, instantly killing someone, massive terraforming, etc). Abilities can interact with a manifestation if paired with "Multiple Magic". Abilities can also be paired with an object, and it can be shown in the Masterlist Image (for example, you can specify a Manehood can cast a specific spell if it holds a book, or wand). Abilities aren't required to be overly specific, and can be generic (for example, "fire powers", "ice powers", would be allowed).

A Manehood's eyes can have many properties without being traited (for example: colored sclera, shaped pupils/iris, etc) but there are a few which are offlimits unless paired with a special trait.
- Multiple eyes, Cyclops-like eyes, misplaced eyes (so missing eyes + multiple eyes placed on other parts of the body) are traited (just missing eyes normally isn't traited, see disabilities guide);
- Material Properties applied to the eyes are traited (for example, gold eyes, crystal eyes, etc) (prosthetic eyes aren't traited, see disabilities guide);
- Special eyes like other creatures (for example, snail-like eye stalks and bug-like compound eyes would need "Non-Mammalian Trait") (any eye that just changes the pupil shape isn't traited, like goat eyes for example).

Special traits allow you to break most limitations listed, and we've already linked quite a few in this guide. To see all possible special traits, please see the full trait list! Each trait will have specific rules and limitations listed in their entry.
Despite the freedom they allow, Special Traits can never break specific limits:
- Overpowered magic is never allowed;
- Any trait that adds onto the head cannot overly cover the Fluffs (the Fluffs must always be easily visible);
- Ears can never be added;
- The hood can never be removed entirely;
- The tail can never be removed entirely;
- The curl must remain, even in tails with special shapes/functions (the curl can be replaced by a prosthetic for free to make a magicless Manehood, see the disabilities guide below);
- The Magic Mark can never be removed entirely.

We want to make representation of disabilities easy and accessible in our species. This section covers how to do prosthetics and injuries without needing special traits.
- Prosthetics must look somewhat similar to real life prosthetics and function like one. So no arms that are just metal covered, or super technological robotic arms, as those would need special traits. Since Manehoods can be both anthro and feral, your Manehood can have prosthetics that are similar to ones for animals or for humans. Wheelchairs, walking sticks, and other kinds of assistive devices are also allowed to be represented in the Masterlist image, as long as any covered design element is shown with an extra image;
- Prosthetic eyes are allowed, but should be realistic. So no robot eyes or gold eyes, that'd be traited;
- Prosthetic wings and prosthetic extra limbs are not allowed without special traits (if a Manehood has the "Multiple Limbs" trait, prosthetics can be added to them while following the aforementioned rules);
- Fluffs cannot be replaced by prosthetics;
- If a Manehood has a hind leg prosthetic that covers the Magic Mark, it must be drawn on the prosthetic and the Manehood must always be wearing it in official art (in personal art, you can do whatever you want). If a Manehood has the "Misplaced Magic Mark" trait, and it is placed in an area without a prosthetic, then the rule doesn't apply;
- Magicless Manehoods can happen if the Magic Core is missing or damaged. If the tip of the tail is missing, you must draw your Manehood with a prosthetic resembling the curl, and this prosthetic must always be represented in official art. A magicless Manehood cannot have any magic, and this trait cannot be removed via redesign. The Multiple Magic trait cannot be applied onto a magicless Manehood;
- A magic bearing Manehood can be redesigned into a magicless one, but all magic it used to have will be removed and the Multiple Magic trait will be removed, if present.
Manehoods have a unique anatomy, so prosthetics to aid with specific issues Manehoods can have have been made. You're free to include these in your designs without needing any traits.
The first Manehood specific prosthetic we will look into are hearing aids. Due to Manehoods not having ear canals like most mammals but rather having antennaes (the Fluffs) which percieve vibration, devices specific to them need to be made. Most models of hearing aid use a ring-like shape that has a microphone and a vibration enhancer. The microphone percieves the sounds around, and the vibration enhancer amplifies them so the fluff can more easily detect them. Cheaper models have more obvious microphones, while more expensive ones are more discreet and sometimes may even be custom-made, being colored with the Manehood's fur color so it is unnoticeable. Some models do not use the ring model and instead make ones which wrap around the fluffs.
- Scarring must not cover the Magic Mark too much, it should still be clearly visible;
- Any amount of fingers, toes, limbs and eyes can be removed freely. If removed due to a traumatic injury, scarring can be shown. The complete/partial removal of a part shouldn't hide the Magic Mark;
- Scarring can be stitched, but not in such a way that can suggest a limb/part being sewn on Frankenstein monster style (Stitched up limbs like that can either be achieved with "Material Properties" if the flesh is implied to be fabric-like, and so stitches are automatically allowed, otherwise the "Zombie" trait can cover this too);
- Scars cannot be constantly bleeding ("Zombie" trait can bypass this);
- Exposed bones/organs aren't allowed ("Zombie" trait bypasses this) (transparent flesh showing inner organs and bones is also allowed with "Material Properties" trait);
- Fluffs can be damaged and partially removed, however at least one should remain intact and it mustn't be overly damaged: it should still be clear that the fluff is a fluff;
- The tail cannot be completely removed, nor the tip with the curl entirely, unless a tail tip prosthetic is added;
- Blindness is allowed but it should be realistic and show the eye slightly desaturated or lightened;
- The hood can be damaged but not excessively, the hood should still clearly show the theme.
Polydactyly and oligodactyly are mutations that lead to the formation of more or less fingers or toes, this is something that happens in Manehoods too! This is allowed to be added freely without requiring a trait, so any amount of fingers and toes is good to go.